A small, embeddable scripting language for Nim. home manual embedding

Language documentation


This documentation is still unfinished, and will grow with new language features being added.


As mentioned, hayago’s syntax is similar to Nim, so learning it is very easy for existing Nim users. The only major difference is that hayago uses braces instead of indentation, to make parsing simpler.


Comments in hayago look exactly as in C++. Only single-line comments are supported.

// This is a comment


hayago supports ordinary number and string literals.

3.141592         // This is a number literal
"Hello, world!"  // This is a string literal

As of now, only basic literals (as shown above) are supported. So no scientific, binary, hexadecimal, or octal numbers, and no escape sequences in strings. This is subject to change, though.


An identifier starts with a character from the set {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '\x7f'..'\xff'} and continues with 0 or more characters from the set {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_', '\x7f'..'\xff'}.

Arbitrary sequences of characters (including reserved keywords) may be used as identifiers provided that they’re stropped. Stropping a sequence of characters is done using backticks ‘`’. Example:

var `if` = 0

Keep in mind that whitespace is ignored inside a stropped identifier, so this:

var `hello world` = 1

is the same as this:

var helloworld = 1

Stropping is rarely required though and should only be used in very specific cases described later in the manual. Using stropped identifiers where it’s not required is bad style.


hayago divides its syntax into expressions and statements. Expressions always have a type, while statements do not (we denote the lack of a type as void). Expressions in hayago include literals, arithmetic and logic operations, both unary and binary, calls, sequence and table indexing, object construction, and if.

Operator precedence

Unary operators always take precedence over binary operators. Unlike Nim, there are no exceptions to this rule. In Nim the @ operator binds stronger than a primary suffix (that includes calls, dot syntax, array access, and such). This rule does not apply in hayago, to keep parsing simple. Binary operator precedence follows Nim’s rules.


Statements in hayago are pretty simple - they include all expressions, loops, and declarations. Statements in hayago are delimited with line breaks.


hayago makes heavy use of blocks throughout the language’s syntax, here’s what they look like:

  echo("Hello, world!")

Another, more compact style is also supported:

{ echo("Hello, world!")
  echo("Going compact!") }  // notice how a line break isn't required here

The above syntax is an exception to the usual statement rules. In blocks, } can also be used as a statement terminator.


Variables are a very important part of any language. hayago offers two ways of declaring them:

// using var:
var a, b = 2      // both a and b have the value 2
var c, d: string  // both c and d have the type string with its default value ""
// using let:
let x, y = 5
// let z, w: bool - error: 'let' variables must have a value.

The rules behind these two definition types are the same as in Nim: var declares a regular variable, and let declares a single-assignment variable. Attempting to assign to such a variable twice will result in a compile error:

let x = 2
x = 3      // error: attempt to reassign a 'let' variable

Even though let variables cannot be reassigned, that does not mean their value cannot be changed: if their value is an object, its fields can be modified just fine.

Variables in hayago are statically typed. That means that a number variable will always stay a number variable, until it goes out of scope. The type of a variable cannot be changed.

var x = 3
x = "Hello, world!"  // error: type mismatch, attempt to assign a string to a
                     // number variable

Currently there’s no way of defining a variable without specifying a value, but that’s subject to change.

Flow control

Flow control is achieved in hayago through 3 basic constructs: if, while, and for.

if expression

In hayago, if is an expression. That means it can be used in places like variable values, proc arguments, etc.

The basic syntax of an if expression is like so:

if condition {
  // do things
} elif condition {
  // do things
} elif condition {
  // do things
} else {
  // do things

Each condition must be a boolean. If it’s of a different type, an error is raised.

An if expression executes all of its blocks sequentially, and stops whenever one of the condition evaluates to true. If none of the expressions evaluate to true, then the else branch is executed.

Here’s an example of the if expression in action:

let respHi = 0
let respBye = 1
let respNone = 2

let in = readInputFromUser()
var response = respNone

if in == "hi" { response = respHi }
elif in == "bye" { response = respBye }

echo(if response == respHi { "Hello!" }
     elif response == respBye { "Goodbye!" }
     else { "..." })

The type of an if expression is inferred by the following conditions:

and and or operators

These two operators are special, because they’re short-circuiting. That means if one of their operands makes the result ‘obvious’, the other operand will not be evaluated. Example:

proc a() -> bool {
  result = true

proc b() -> bool {
  result = false

a() or b()



As you can see, the second operand is not evaluated, because if the first operand is true, we know that the result will always be true, according to the truth table of the OR logic operation:

A B Output
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

A similar thing happens with and: if the first operand evaluates to false, the second operand will not be evaluated, because we know that if one operand of the AND logic operation is false, the output will always be false.

A B Output
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

while loop

A while loop is the simplest kind of loop. All it does is it executes its body as long as its condition stays true.

The syntax of a while loop is like so:

while condition {
  // do things

An infinite loop may be created by setting the condition to a true constant. This literal while true loop is optimized by the code generator, and does not do the initial condition check—it simply jumps back to the beginning when the block is completed.

while true {
  // do things indefinitely

Similarly, a while false loop generates no code at all.

A while loop can be stopped by using the break keyword.

var x = 0
while true {
  x = x + 1
  if x > 10 {

The continue keyword will cause the loop to jump back to the beginning of the block.

// List even numbers from 0 to 100
var x = -1
while x <= 100 {
  x = x + 1
  if x mod 2 == 1 {

for loop

The for loop is an advanced version of the while loop. Instead of iterating as long as a condition is met, it uses iterators.

for variable in iterator {
  // do things

for loops support break and continue, just like while loops do.

Iterators are described later in the manual.

Implicit items

If a for loop has exactly one variable, and the for loop’s expression e is not an iterator, the expression is rewritten to items(e). For example, the following two loops are equivalent:

for x in [1, 2, 3] { echo(x) }        // prints 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
for x in items([1, 2, 3]) { echo(x) } // also prints 1.0, 2.0, 3.0


Objects are homogenous containers of other values. They can contain any set of values, and they can even form recursive data structures.

An object is declared like so:

object MyObject {
  a: string
  b: number
  x, y: bool

Objects are constructed using the following syntax:

var myObj = MyObject(a: "test", b: 3.1415926, x: true, y: false)

All fields of an object must be initialized to a value, although this is subject to change.

Fields in objects can be read back from by using the dot syntax:

echo(myObj.a) // output: test

Fields can also be assigned to:

myObj.b = 42
echo($myObj.b) // output: 42

Note that even if you create a let variable with an object value, you can still write to that object’s fields, because the object itself is mutable. Only the variable cannot be reassigned.

let myObj = MyObject(a: "test", b: 3.1415926, x: true, y: false)
myObj.x = false // this is legit


Procedures in hayago are what other languages call ‘functions’. Each procedure has a name, arguments, and an optional return type. Procedures are declared like so:

proc myProcedure(arg1, arg2: string, arg3: number) -> string {
  // do things

There are a few things to note here:

The return type of the procedure can be omitted. This will make the return type void.

proc myProcedure() {
  // do things

Procedure arguments are not assignable. That means it’s an error to do this:

proc myProcedure(x: number) {
  x = 2 // error!

To return a value from a procedure, the return statement is used. It halts the execution of the procedure immediately, and returns the associated value (which can be empty, in that case, the value returned is the value of the result variable, which is described below).

proc theAnswer() -> number {
  return 42

It’s important to note that the return statement is always the last statement in a block. This means that this:

proc doSomeCalculations() -> number {
  return 2

Is equivalent to this:

proc doSomeCalculations() -> number {
  return 2 - 42.sin

hayago procedures can be called in 3 different ways:

This allows for extra clarity in object-oriented code. The two first examples are functionally equivalent. The third example is not the same, because this syntax can only be used for calling procs which accept 1 parameter.

The result variable

result is a special, implicitly declared variable present in all procs with a non-void return type. It is a convenience feature which helps avoid unnecessary temporary variable declarations:

// without result
proc fac(n: number) -> number {
  var r = 1
  for i in 1..n {
    r = r * i
  return r

// with result
proc fac(n: number) -> number {
  result = 1
  for i in 1..n {
    result = result * i

Note how when we use result we don’t need an extra return to actually return the result of our operation. That is the main purpose of result: if an accumulative operation is being done (eg. calculating the factorial of some number), one can avoid an extra return statement at the end of the procedure. In fact, result should be preferred over return whenever its flow control capabilities are not required.

The initial value of result is dependent on the return type of the procedure. It is always the default value for that type (eg. 0 for numbers).


There’s also another way of calling procs: that way is through assignment. Only ‘setters’ can be called this way. A setter is declared by adding = to the proc’s name. Because = is not an identifier character, the name must be stropped:

proc `someProperty=`(a: number, b: number) {
  // do things

Setters must always have two arguments. They can be called using the following syntax:

a.someProperty = b

In a nutshell, they look exactly like an object field assignment. However, a proc is called instead, and property setters can be declared for non-object types like numbers (albeit it’s a bit useless in that case).

Object field assigmnents take precedence over setters:

object Vec2 {
  x, y: number

var myVec = Vec2(x: 1, y: 2)
myVec.x = 3 // sets the field directly

proc `x=`(vec: Vec2, val: number) {
  vec.x = val

myVec.x = 4 // also sets the field directly

To avoid this, the field must be declared with a different name. The idiomatic way is to prefix the field with f:

object Vec2 {
  fX, fY: number

var myVec = Vec2(x: 1, y: 2)
myVec.fX = 3 // sets the field directly

proc `x=`(vec: Vec2, val: number) {
  vec.fX = val

myVec.x = 4 // calls the setter

Operator overloading

All valid hayago operators can be overloaded. Currently, this only includes built-in operators, but support for custom operators is planned.

To overload an operator, simply name your proc with it:

object Vec2 {
  x, y: number

proc `+`(a, b: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
  result = Vec2(x: a.x + b.x, y: a.y + b.y)

var a = Vec2(x: 3, y: 2)
var b = Vec2(x: 2, y: 3)
var c = a + b             // Vec2(x: 5, y: 5)

As shown above, this feature is most useful with mathematical types, like vectors.

Overloaded unary operators accept one parameter, and binary operators accept two parameters. not and $ are unary-only operators.


Iterators are what hayago uses for executing for loops. An iterator is defined like so:

iterator emptyIter() -> number {
  // body

An iterator must have a yield type. An iterator with no yield type is a compile error.

Iterators have a special statement that can be used in them: the yield statement. This statement makes the iterator “return” a value. Unlike a regular return, however, yield does not stop the iterator. It simply passes the execution back to the calling for loop.

iterator count3 -> number {
  yield 1
  yield 2
  yield 3

for x in count3() {
  echo(x) // outputs 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

Iterators are actually nothing more than inlining facilities. You can imagine each yield statement in the iterator simply getting substituted by the for loop’s body. Continuing the previous example, the loop used there is actually roughly equivalent to the following code:

{ // the iterator's variables
  let x = 1
  // the loop's body
  { echo(x) } }
{ let x = 2
  { echo(x) } }
{ let x = 3
  { echo(x) } }

Iterators have full scope hygiene, so the following example will fail:

// this is the implementation of countup in the standard library
iterator countup(min, max: number) -> number {
  var i = min
  while i <= max {
    yield i

for x in countup(1, 10) {
  echo(i)  // error: 'i' is not defined

The scopes defined in the iterator are actually completely separate from the scopes in the iterator’s callsite.


Generics are hayago’s way of generalizing code. They work similarly to C++ templates or Nim generics.

Valid symbols for being generic are types and callables (procedures and iterators). Making a symbol generic involves adding square brackets with generic parameters after the symbol’s name:

object MyGenericObject[T] {}

proc myGenericProc[T] {}

iterator myGenericIterator[T] -> number {}

After definition, generic parameters behave like normal types: they can be used in fields (for objects), or parameters, the return type, and the body (for callables). Example:

object Pair[T] {
  a, b: T  // creates a new field of an unknown type `T`

proc print[T](a: T) {

Generic symbols cannot be used by themselves. Instead, they must be instantiated. Continuing the previous example, instantiations occur through the use of square brackets:

let nums = Pair[number](a: 1, b: 2)


However, this quickly gets verbose, so hayago offers basic generic type inference from call parameters and fields:

let nums = Pair(a: 1, b: 2)
//  ^ instantiated as Pair[number], because the provided value for `a: T`
//    is a `number`

// ^ instantiated as print[number], because the provided value for `a: T`
//   is a `number`

Note that type inference does not work for return types. In that case, the type must be provided explicitly:

object Box[T] {
  boxed: T

proc newEmptyBox[T] -> Box[T] {}

let numbox1 = newEmptyBox[number]()          // ok
// let numbox2 = newEmptyBox()               // error
// let numbox3: Box[number] = newEmptyBox()  // error

This is not allowed to keep the language implementation simple. Advanced type inference like this would require much more context (ie. the call’s surroundings), and thus, increase code generation complexity by a fair bit.